Sunday, May 23, 2010

So my sister is writing a book with her friend.

And I'm basically Alpha-Chief-Editor-Slash-Reader. Lots of stress, right? So Cecy (My sis) and her friend have lots of little things wrong with their writing (along with a couple big things! Sorry Cecy/Reagan!). So I really appreciate it when they recognize the faults in their/each other's writing, because it makes my job a lot easier. But something that has really helped, especially when they have to write guys, is Writing Excuses ( It has a bunch of 15 minute podcasts for different aspects of writing: ie, writing guys, breaking the 4th wall, writing an epic, etc. I love it because it keeps her entertained while she learns. And for Cecy that's a blessing! So to any aspiring writers out there (No, Cecy, I know you are), check out Writing Excuses. I'll leave this with a quote:

"Haven't you ever heard that modesty is an attractive feature?"
"Only from ugly people. The meek may inherit the Earth, but right now it belongs to the conceited. Like me."
--Cassandra Clare

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